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Atlantic Chemicals Trading GmbH
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20095 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 33 44 19-0
Mail: germany(at)act.de
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Monk Fruit (Luo Han Guo)

A natural sweetener and flavouring agent without any aftertaste


Well known as a health remedy in China for dozens of years, the monk fruit is on the rise as the new shooting star of natural sweeteners in the food industry. The fruit concentrate of Luo Han Guo is 300 times sweeter than sugar.

Monk fruit is approved as a sweetener and fl avouring agent in the US. It is already used as a flavouring agent in Europe, and approval as a sweetener is expected in 2019. Prepare for the market entry!

Dairy, table-top, confectionery, beverages and sports nutrition โ€“ blends well with other natural sweeteners like stevia extract or erythritol.
