Atlantic Chemicals Trading GmbH
Hermannstraße 46
20095 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 33 44 19-0
Mail: germany(at)act.de
We are looking forward to hearing from you!
For sugar-free sweetness
Your reliable trading partner and supplier of sugar substitutes, sugar alternatives and sweeteners.
Sweeteners and sugar substitutes are among the food additives and are substances with an intense sweet taste. They are used as an energy-reducing or even energy-free substitute for sugar.
ACT supplies sweeteners and sugar alternatives in consistent and certified quality for the production of soft drinks, confectionery, sweetening tablets and diabetic foods in the processing industry.
How do sweeteners and sugar substitutes work?
When food and beverages are sweetened with sweeteners or sugar alternatives instead of sugar, they are mainly used for low-calorie or even calorie-free diets. The advantage in contrast to conventional sugar is that they only have a very slight effect on insulin secretion and blood sugar levels. In addition, they are good for the teeth, better metabolised and maintain or even improve the taste of sugar-free and energy-reducing foods.

Your reliable distributor of sweeteners and sugar substitutes
ACT is your reliable trading partner and distributor of high quality sweeteners and sugar substitutes. Especially if quality raw materials and the reliability of the entire production chain to the point of delivery are fundamentally important to you. As a sugar alternative for your product, we provide the following sweeteners and sugar substitutes:
- Acesulfame-K
- Aspartame
- Cyclamate Sodium
- Dextrose Monohydrate / Organic Dextrose Monohydrate
- D-Xylose
- Erythritol / Organic Erythritol
- Erythritol-Stevia Blend
- Fructooligosaccharide (FOS short chain)
- Fructose
- Inulin
- Maltodextrin
- Maltitol
- Monk Fruit (Luo Han Guo)
- Neohesperidin
- Neotame
- Polydextrose
- Saccharin Base
- Saccharin Sodium
- Sorbitol
- Stevia Extracts & Blends
- Sucralose / Sucralose Liquid
- Trehalose
- Xylitol / Organic Xylitol
Where and in which industries are sweeteners and sugar substitutes used?
The food and beverage industry prefers to rely especially on natural and synthetic sugar alternatives such as stevia, sucralose, acesulfame-K or saccharine. Thus, many diabetic foods contain sweeteners and sugar substitutes, as they help with weight loss. Also in sugar-free chewing gum and dental care chewing gum, which protect from tooth decay using erythritol and xylitol, for example. Sugar substitutes are found in toothpaste, mouthwash, many light products such as desserts, jams, ice cream and in canned foods and ready to eat meals.
Their use is becoming increasingly popular in baked goods and confectionery products, as baking without sugar is an ongoing trend. As table sweeteners, the additives are often used in the form of tablets, powders and liquids to sweeten drinks such as tea or coffee. Lemonades and fruit juices, jams and jellies as well as dairy products such as yoghurt and whey drinks are not usually palatable without sugar substitutes.
Our sugar alternatives are also used in food supplements and saccharine in conjunction with vanillin itself in animal feed, to make concentrated feed more palatable for piglets , for example. The pharmaceutical industry uses sugar substitutes in tablets, for example, and natural as well as synthetic sweeteners are used in the sports nutrition category to optimise athletes’ diets and performance.