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Atlantic Chemicals Trading GmbH
Hermannstraße 46
20095 Hamburg
Tel.: +49 (0)40 33 44 19-0
Mail: germany(at)act.de
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It works without sugar



Polydextrose is a synthetic compound made from Glucose, Sorbitol and Citric Acid.

There are many technological advantages when using polydextrose in the food industry. Polydextrose behaves in a similar manner to sugar in many processes, but has the advantage of providing only up to two kilocalories per gram.

The human organism does not need to secrete insulin to metabolise it. That is why Polydextrose is a dietary fibre. Polydextrose is, therefore, ideal for the production of low-sugar products. At the same time, Polydextrose has a high water-binding capacity and is, therefore, an ideal humectant, e.g. in various baked goods.

Bakery, confectionery, beverages.
