What is beta-carotene?
Beta-carotene is a powerful antioxidant and a natural colouring agent found in many fruits and vegetables such as carrots, sweet potatoes and spinach. It is the precursor to vitamin A, an essential nutrient that is important for healthy eyes, skin and the immune system.
Beta-carotene can help protect the body from free radicals that can damage cells and lead to chronic disease. Adequate dietary intake can help reduce the risk of certain diseases and promote healthy skin. It therefore makes sense to regularly integrate beta-carotene into your daily routine.
What is it used for?
Beta-carotene is mainly used as a food colouring. Due to its intense orange pigmentation, beta-carotene is used as a natural colouring agent in foods such as margarine, cheese and juices. It is also used as an ingredient in dietary supplements, especially for people who may not get enough vitamin A from their diet. It is also used in sun cream and skin care products as it protects the skin from cell damage, inflammation and premature ageing.
ACT is your reliable trading partner and distributor for high-quality beta-carotene. The antioxidant is particularly suitable for the further processing and manufacture of end products in the food and cosmetics industries. We at ACT supply only the best raw materials in certified quality. With ACT, you can be sure that the entire production chain up to delivery is of the highest quality.